Gruppenarbeit / Termine

  • Was ist Skan Gruppenarbeit?

    • Warum gerate ich immer wieder in die gleichen Beziehungsfallen?

    • Was sind meine wiederkehrenden, blockierenden Beziehungsmuster, die Intimität und Nähe vermeiden?

    • Warum leide ich oft in Beziehungen und wie kann ich mich abgrenzen, wenn es notwendig ist?

      Das sind typische Fragen, warum Menschen zur Skan-Gruppenarbeit kommen.

      Neben der Skan Einzelsitzung bietet Dir die Skan Gruppenarbeit eine sehr wirkungsvolle Möglichkeit, Dich nicht nur als Mensch, sondern vor allem Deine verschiedenen Vermeidungsmuster in Beziehungen besser zu kennenzulernen.

      Echter nährender Kontakt mit anderen Menschen ist eine der existentiellsten Sehnsüchte, die wir als Menschen haben. Gleichzeitig kann dieser Kontakt auf Grund frühkindlicher Erfahrungen bedrohlich und gefährlich sein.

      Genau dafür bietet eine stabile Gruppe einen geschützten Rahmen, um diese Vermidungsmuster bewusst werden zu lassen, zu integrieren und zu heilen.

  • Wie arbeite ich in der Skan Gruppenarbeit?

    Voraussetzung dafür ist ein Raum, wo im Vertrauen alles sein darf und nichts sein muss. Dieser Raum regt Dich an, tiefer mit Deinen Gefühlen und mit anderen Teilnehmern in Kontakt zu kommen. Durch diese Begegnungen rücken eigene Beziehungsmuster und Blockaden stärker ins Bewusstsein und können dadurch transzendiert werden.

    Ein Skan Gruppenworkshop besteht aus verschiedenen Settings wie Atemritualen, Movements, Begegnungen, Elementen der Theaterarbeit oder szenischer Arbeit. In gemeinsamen Runden besteht dann die Möglichkeit, sich über die gemachten Erfahrungen auszutauschen.

  • Internationale Skan Workshop

Je älter wir werden, desto mehr wird unser Verstand mit Konzepten und Konstrukten gefüllt. Ständig sind wir damit beschäftigt, das Erlebte zu interpretieren und analysieren, alles wird in „Richtig“ oder „Falsch“ kategorisiert. Dies ist auf Dauer nicht nur anstrengend, sondern fühlt sich schal und leer an, als eine schmerzhafte Abtrennung von der Umwelt. Gleichzeitig brennt in vielen Menschen eine tiefe Sehnsucht nach spontanem Ausdruck, spielerischer Leichtigkeit und Lebendigkeit.

Der Skan Sommerworkshop bietet wunderbare Möglichkeiten, in einer intensiven Woche die eigene Lebendigkeit, damit die ureigensten Impulse und den authentischen Ausdruck wieder zu finden. Wir lernen wieder mit der Welt fühlend, wahrnehmend und ursprünglich in Kontakt zu treten, was als sehr befreiend empfunden wird. Vor allem lernen wir unsere Barrieren wie „Sollen“ und „Müssen“ kennen und diese in der Arbeit zu transzendieren. Wir gewinnen wieder ein hohes Maß an Lebensfreude, innerer Leichtigkeit und Freiheit. 

Im Mittelpunkt dieser Skan Intensivwoche stehen Formen der vertieften Atmung, Bewegungsrituale, Bühnenarbeit und Szenische Reintegration.

  • bald an dieser Stelle

  • Werkhof Bistrica, Kärnten

  • Internationale Skan Ausbildungsgruppe ab Mai 2024 bis Herbst 2025 in San Francisco

    • Skan therapy is a profound, refined, and intuitive healing approach. We work directly with deep-seated emotional, mental, energetic, and physical blockages, aiming for true healing and personal growth. Wilhelm Reich, the pioneer in the West, recognized the healing power of breath. Reichian breathwork, an "open-eyed" technique, follows the downward movement of life energy through the seven segments of the body.

Wilhelm Reich emphasized the importance of a balanced Autonomous Nervous System, also known as the Vegetative Nervous System. His work, "Vegeto-therapy," forms the foundation of Skan Bodywork, further developed by esteemed practitioners like Al Bauman, Michael Smith, Loil Neidhöfer, Petra Mathes, and the Skan Academy.

Skan offers a relationship, not a prescribed method. It is a journey of deep trust, courageously unraveling intricate structures and defense mechanisms within our bodies and minds. These hidden layers, where avoidance and defense reside, serve as fertile ground for personal growth and healing.

Skan Individual Sessions

In Skan Individual Sessions, also known as "Mat Sessions," the focus is on the unique exploration of each individual's journey. Led by skilled practitioners, these sessions provide a safe space to dive deep into your personal process.

Skan Group Work

Skan Group Work takes you on a powerful journey of exploring relationships, both with yourself and with others. Through this work, you deepen your connection to your authentic self, fostering genuine interactions with fellow participants. Authenticity, honesty, and nurturing intimacy are the cornerstones of these profound relationships. Skan Group Workshops incorporate various activities like breathing rituals, movement exercises, encounters, and elements of theater or scenic work, designed for personal development and growth.

Skan Two-Year Training

To fully embrace the transformative potential of Skan Bodywork, we offer a comprehensive two-year training program. Unlike traditional therapeutic approaches, Skan practitioners prioritize establishing a genuine human connection over applying techniques. Personal growth and self-experience are fundamental to becoming a skilled Skan practitioner. This intensive training induces deep-seated shifts within your body and habitual patterns, providing tools and knowledge for lasting changes.

Embark on the Skan Bodywork training, immersing yourself in a world of personal growth, transformation, and profound connections. Discover the magic of Skan as it unfolds within you, enriching your life and relationships. Join us on this transformative journey and embrace the full potential of Skan Bodywork.

Focus of the Training

  • Explore and learn the fundamentals of classical Vegeto-therapy, Reichian breathwork, and interventions during individual 'mat' sessions.

  • Develop an understanding of the segmental arrangement of armor and its impact on our lives.

  • Experience the structure and dynamic nature of character armoring, an essential aspect of personal growth.

  • Discover various ways to harness the vital life force flowing with and as the breath.

  • Understand the profound significance of breath to all living processes and learn breath-focused intervention rituals such as 'face-to-face breathing,' contractions, and expansion exercises, etc.

  • Learn to build a 'therapeutic relationship' through 'vegetative identification.'

  • Learn to establish meaningful contact and resonance through bodywork, nurturing a deeper connection with your body and its natural needs.

  • Explore group dynamic processes and the art of verbal energy communication in bodywork, enhancing skills in fostering a positive and transformative group atmosphere.

  • Learn the basics of Skan-specific creative processes, such as Streaming Theater and Scenic Integration practice, adding a rich, vibrant dimension to your personal growth journey and ability to experience meaningful connections.

Our training is perfect 

For individuals who work in healing, therapeutic, or educational professions, seeking to incorporate Skan into their practice. Coaches, trainers, teachers, team leaders, and those in the creative and performing arts will also find immense value in this training. If you are deeply committed to your personal and professional growth, ready for an intensive two-year journey of self-discovery and transformation, Skan Bodywork awaits your presence. Werner and Lydia, your experienced guides, are devoted to cultivating a safe and respectful environment for your personal journey.

Your Team

Lydia Becker:

Lydia has been an advanced Skan practitioner and instructor for over 25 years. She studied Skan - Reichian Therapy in Germany, is a founding member of the Skan Academy in Germany and the United States, and has practiced Skan in Germany, France, and the United States. Lydia, a licensed German midwife, has delivered more than 400 babies, deeply influencing her work. Contact:

Werner Sattlegger:

Werner, with experience in management positions for various European companies, is the founder of "Art of Life." He offers executive leadership training programs to enable mindset shifts within organizations. Werner studied Skan – Reichian therapy in Germany, with a special focus on group dynamics and Gestalt therapy. He is a Skan therapist, co-author of the book "When Longing Grows Beyond Fear," and the author of the book "Art of Leadership." Contact:



  • May 23 - May 28, 2024: 5-day intensive (Lydia and Werner)

  • June 28-30, 2024: Weekend workshop (Lydia)

  • Online Course: July 2024 (To be determined, Lydia and Werner)

  • September 19 - 23, 2024: 5-day Intensive at the Black Mountain Retreat Center, Cazadero (Lydia and Werner)

  • December 6-8, 2024: Weekend workshop (Lydia)


  • January 24-26, 2025: Weekend workshop (Lydia)

  • March 07-09, 2025: Weekend workshop (Lydia)

  • May 15-20, 2025: 5-day Intensive (Lydia and Werner)

  • September 19-23, 2025: 5-day Intensive (Lydia and Werner)

  • December 6-7, 2025: Weekend workshop (Lydia)


  • February 20-22, 2026: Weekend workshop (Lydia)

  • May 22 - 26, 2026: 5-day intensive (Lydia and Werner)


“The weekend workshop with Lydia and Werner was a potent and transcendent experience for me. I had been to Skan group healing retreats previously, but never before had I attended a workshop led by both a woman and a man together…and not just any woman and man, but highly adept Skan therapists.  Many of us have deep emotional wounds that formed in our childhoods, particularly with our primary caregivers, and I am no exception to this.  Working with Lydia and Werner together was very healing for me as I was able to release deeply bound and difficult emotions related to childhood relational trauma. I honestly don’t know how else this trauma gets transformed.” (Paul)

“Lydia and Werner work seamlessly in partnership to provide a playful yet deeply safe space for participants to feel held and simultaneously nudged to open up to possibility in their lives. I have attended many group work intensives, and Lydia and Werners is a cut above the rest. Expect to benefit from deep one-on-one attention, as well as grow through connecting with other people’s lives and stories. The weekend was hard work, but exceptional in the insight and value it delivered. I came out of the workshop with more clarity as to who I am and feeling in touch with my aliveness. Thank you Lydia and Werner!
Rebecca Martin) 

"Working with Lydia and Werner was deeply moving and transformative for me. They created a space and sense of community together, a place where I felt supported and seen. They each bring unique strengths and abilities, and together they are full of compassion, care, and insight. They are a huge gift in my life. And I witnessed how much they impacted all the others in our workshop as well." (Alex Giardino)

In dieser 2 jährigen Ausbildungsgruppe lernen die TeilnehmerInnen eigenverantwortlich Einzelsitzungen in Skan Körperarbeit durchzuführen. Ausbildner sind Werner Sattlegger und Lydia Becker, Details gerne auf Anfrage. Teilnahmebedingung ist Abschluss einer Jahresgruppe oder Äquivalent, bitte formloses Schreiben über persönlichen Hintergrund und Motivation. Alle Termine finden in der Nähe von San Francisco, Teilnahme an allen Termine Vorraussetzung.